Could your piano use a little TLC (“Tender Loving Care”)? Anderson Piano Service in St Louis County MN is here to help. I start your piano repair with a professional consultation. I listen to your concerns and learn about what you need from your instrument. Together we determine the best solutions for your piano’s repair. Finally, I deliver the patient, diligent care to put your piano in good shape.? Anderson Piano Service is here to help. I start your piano repair with a professional consultation. I listen to your concerns and learn about your needs for your instrument. I then determine the best solutions for your piano’s repair. Finally, I deliver the patient, diligent care to put your piano in good shape.
Feel free to contact me for a full range of repairs. My service area includes St Louis County, MN and the surrounding areas: not only St. Louis county but also Itasca county, Koochiching county, and areas nearby; and there are a number of known micro-climates within that large of an area! One area will have too much rain while another just 40 miles north will have drought; one area will have an early frost or snow while another is almost balmy; and these variations affect a lot of things, including our pianos. But some of the most common calls for piano repair service in my territory include:
- Tuning:
Changes in humidity can cause the soundboard of a piano to shrink and swell over time. This changes the tension on the wires, and results in a change in pitch. Having your piano tuned at least twice a year really helps to keep it in optimal condition.In addition to the wood soundboard, there are some other very fundamental components that swell and shrink with changes in humidity. One is the pinblock.
The pinblock is an important part of the piano. It’s a long, thick, laminated board made of hard maple, and the 230-some tuning pins are driven into this. Since these pins each maintain 150 to 200 pounds of tension, a weak pinblock can allow the piano to slip out of tune more easily. In our climate, dryness is a piano’s ruination; a dried- out pinblock no longer offers a firm grip on the tuning pins. Our northern Minnesota climate generally has a “heating season” that’s twice as long as our “non-heating season”, so over time, even a hard maple pinblock can dry out. There are things I can do about this! Some options include repositioning the piano, reducing use of the nearby heat vent, increasing humidity during the heating season (learn about Dampp Chasers) and various approaches to repairs. You have options! Let’s talk.
- Sticking keys:
With so many moving parts to every note, it’s normal for them to need some tweaking sooner or later. You’ll enjoy your piano more if that’s taken care of. Contact me to get on the schedule for your area. - Key cleaning:
There are lots of little gaps in a keyboard, between and under keys, and it’s amazing what can fit through there! Coins, pencils, pens, stickers, bookmarks, hair fasteners, candy, photographs, critter nests — it’s all fascinating, and none of it belongs there. Maybe it’s time to really do a thorough check and clean of your keys and keybed.Have a trained technician carefully disassemble the entire keyboard, clean the key bed, then reassemble the keyboard. You can watch (& even help) if you like.
Improve your piano today
Bring your piano into tune with attention from Anderson Piano Service. Contact me today at 218-263-3850 to schedule your next service.